Weirdness Attracts More

Akhir-akhir ini banyak banget yang suka makan makanan enggak biasa. Mungkin banyak orang yang mulai gini karena butuh foto-foto buat social media mereka biar bisa kelihatan gk biasa terus bikin orang mikir

"Woah! What's that? Ice cream in a pot? With a real flower on top? So plant. Much swag. So yolo. Very kewl. Much dirt."  


"Wut? Black burger? Is it safe? I gotta take some picture of it! Much likes. Very awsum. So Impress. Such mistery.  Many blackness. Such bunz. Very burger."

and yeah the black food is very "hitz" lately. Idk why people use the word "hitz". It bothers me. Like. A lot. I don't know why.

Apparently, youngster like new kind of weirdness such as ice cream inside a pot (for plants) black foods (made from oreo or charcoal). So, if you want to start a business or whatsoever please make something new. Don't copy the others. I know the idea of copying some fancy weird-looking food seems perfect. The fact is, kalau kalian mulai copy itu makanan dan yang lain ikut copy juga, makanan itu gk bakal jadi spesial. Kalau makanan yang kalian anggap spesial itu udah gk spesial lagi gk bisa dong bisa jual makanan yang dengan dalih "ini makanan spesial" trus akhirnya gk laku dan bisa terancam bangkrut buat both of the idea-maker and the idea-copier.

Suatu produk bisa dianggap spesial kalau belum ada orang yang lain punya ide yang sama. You gotta stand the F out. Make something weird (and edible) yang bener-bener cuma kamu yg punya ide satu biar bisa stand out. Because WEIRDNESS ATTRACTS MORE. oh and it's not just about food. If you're feeling different and weird, don't change just because you want to be accepted and fit in. Apa gunanya bisa fit in klo kamu bukan kamu? yekali harus jadi fake tiap hari. Isn't it nice to be yourself even though cuma dikit temen yang bisa deket sm you?

The point is do something different or at least klo mau pake ide yg udah ada dijadiin beda jangan sama-sama banget. Kayak Black Martabak di bawah ini.

FYI, itu bisa item bukan karena oreo/charchoal gitu2 tapi karena gosong. Running a food blog isn't easy, y'know. Kadang harus beli bahan banyak2 tapi waktu dibikin eh gosong terus gabisa dimakan. If you're about to make a food blog (yang isinya masakan sendiri), imma tell you something.... semangat ye.

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